The Radical Path Home to God

Extreme Happiness and Suffering Are The Same



Gourasana holds a discussion with His audience on the subject of desire. He asks, “What is your desire now? Each of you, look at your consciousness, at your desire, now.” Desire is one of the most crucial practices for spiritual success. The focus of desire should be for the truth, even though many people also focus on the illusion. He adds, “Try not to be confused by seemingly opposite desires. Simultaneously you can be, and frequently are, desiring the light and also desiring some illusion.” He spends additional time answering audience questions, such as:

  • Is it necessary to suffer on this path to the love and light of God?
  • Is it true that, no matter what plane we are on in our spiritual awareness, there will always be happiness and suffering?
  • Is there any suffering in the spiritual realms?
  • Is a child closer to God and more aware at birth than an adult?

Audio length: One hour, six minutes  Spoken on August 13, 1988

This talk is also included in The Radical Path Series and is a part of The Radical Path Home to God book.

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