The Radical Path Home to God

Feel The Unlimited Love That Is Permeating The Universe



Gourasana’s early talks covered many of His core teachings. In this talk He states, “There are so many teachings that you come in contact with, that sometimes there may be confusion.” He goes on to offer general, and specific, guidance to help lessen confusion. For instance, regarding the difference between His teachings and current religion or spiritual practices, He says, ” While you may take assistance in these areas and reap the benefit from these teachings, you should primarily be seeking the teachings that at least have grasped the principle of leaving this plane of existence.” 

After His opening statements, Gourasana answers questions from His audience. Many questions arise regarding how to apply His teachings, such as: 

  • What state of mind should we have while carrying out our occupation?
  • Are there any exercises, steps or activities we should be doing on a daily basis?
  • What if we have the desire, but not the strength? 

Audio length: One hour, 40 minutes  Recorded February 5, 1988

This talk is also included in the Radical Path Series and is part of The Radical Path Home to God book.

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