The Simple Path Series

Achieving A State Of Full Awareness (46 min)



A Kalindi lecture from The Simple Path to God series. Spiritual transformation is about awareness. You should be taking care of your life on every level. You will need to calm down your emotions and actually think about specific areas of your life that need attention. As long as you are in a body you will be thinking for the rest of your life. You have to use the inherent qualities and tools that are within you. These five tools and qualities are:  1. Humility: Without humility the ego will survive.  2. Inner Strength: You need the inner strength that comes from God in order to break free of the illusion.  3. Courage: You need to be able to act and move forward despite the fear. 4. Determination: You need unwavering determination 5. Ability To Take Action: Every day you need to be able to do what you need to do in all areas of your life.

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