The Radical Path Home to God

Desire Will Save You – Lecture



Gourasana discusses the rapid increase in awareness that anyone can achieve by using His help. There is a special power available now that makes His assistance more accessible. He says, “What we are attempting to do, and what we are succeeding in doing, is to move out of the normal evolutionary time to another speed. . . according to your desire, you can move your consciousness to a great degree from where it is now.” He continues to say that the increase in awareness will be from direct experience, not from a belief and it is determined by our desire, effort, and determination. He then directs His attention to answering questions such as:

  • Do I have to die to leave this plane?
  • Is it true that at some point in the journey, even desire itself has to be given up?
  • How do you distinguish illusion from truth?
  • Is it true that light or awareness does attract the darkness?

This talk includes an additional meditation led by Gourasana following His lecture. 

Talk audio length: Two hours, 2 minutes  Meditation audio length: 31 minutes

Spoken on May 27, 1988

This talk is also included in The Radical Path Series and is a part of The Radical Path Home to God book.

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