The Radical Path Home to God

Let Go Of Who You Think You Are



Gourasana begins this talk saying, “For many people, even their spiritual search is life as they would have it. It is the path as they would have it, as they want it to be. They want to find God, but they want to find Him in a particular way.” He elaborates by talking about how people have concepts about self, life and spiritual success, but all of these things are beyond the mind. He counsels that the mind, and how it works, is one obstacle. He says, “The obstacle is that they want to take the illusory self and have that illusory self come to a state of awareness, but that is not possible. That is why you must let go of who you think you are. . . “. In this talk some of the audience’s questions are about the mind, realizations, words, giving up and letting go.

Audio length: One hour, three minutes  Spoken on August 20, 1988

This talk is also included in The Radical Path Series and is a part of The Radical Path Home to God book.

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