The Radical Path Home to God Book
$19.00 – $29.00
During the years 1987 to 1995, Lord Gourasana, a modern-day Incarnation of God, brought in an authentic and radical path Home to God. He came with the power and teachings to fulfill the desires of those who wish to return Home and attain a full state of awareness in their lifetime.
In the early years of His coming, Gourasana talked to small gatherings about how they could personally realize the truth and attain a state of full awareness. This book contains these essential teachings from Gourasana. These teachings can enrich a person’s spiritual journey and help them to move closer to God regardless of their spiritual path or religious affiliation.
The teachings in this book are foundational teachings at Center of The Golden One; they capture Gourasana’s compassion, love, and encouragement for all who want to grow spiritually.
Purchase the book here.
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