The Radical Path Home to God

The Unadulterated Truth Is Rare



Gourasana explains that the reason unadulterated truth is very rare is because in this material world there “. . . is an active opposing element . . .” called the illusion. The illusion is also referred to as the devil, maya, or darkness by organized religions. He says, “The function of this energy is to oppose the light, to oppose the truth, and it is an active force that is constantly working against you and against everyone . . . it is the function of this force to keep you in a state of illusion.”

The illusion covers over the part of people that is aware. Gourasana came to expose the illusion so people can break free from the grip of illusion. In this talk He explains in detail, what the illusion is, how it works and how people can begin to learn to see it. He explains why breaking the cycle of birth and death is so difficult, “. . . because there is a powerful personality that directly wishes to keep you in illusion and is going to try anything and everything to do just that.”

This recording includes a question-and-answer session on various topics to help improve understanding.

Audio length: One hour, three minutes   Recorded March 13, 1988

This talk is also included in the Radical Path Series and is part of The Radical Path Home to God book

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