The Radical Path Home to God

True Reality Appears To You As A Dream (1 hr 27 min)



ourasana reminds His audience that they must listen beyond His words because words alone, in the material world, cannot convey the truth. He says, “. . . the true communication is at a level that is beyond your mind and these words. If you wish to hear this communication, then you must be situated within.” Gourasana explains that it is difficult for people on this material plane to understand the difference between the true realm of existence and what people experience here on earth. He tells His audience, “So see how much work needs to be done, because this is the dream, and the only true reality appears to you as a dream.

Some audience questions are:

  • What is the correlation between your head and your heart and intuition, and acting on the proper one in the proper situation?
  • How do you alleviate the illusion?
  • Is only a simple prayer asking for the light sufficient? Can you teach me a better meditation?

Audio length: One hour, 26 minutes Spoken on April 15, 1988

This talk is also included in The Radical Path Series and is a part of The Radical Path Home to God book.

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