The Radical Path Home to God

Grace Is When Momentum Comes From Nowhere



Gourasana begins this talk with, “To come to a full state of awareness, to leave this plane of existence in this lifetime, one must be prepared to give up everything: every attachment, every trace of ego, every desire for enjoyment on this plane.” He provides details on what He means. He also offers encouragement, “So you should not worry, be concerned, or think it is not possible to give this, or this, or this up, because once you reach a certain stage of awareness, automatically you will be detached from that desire.” He discusses desire, endeavor and how each person must find their own balance, and the right level of endeavor, for themselves. 

Audience questions include:

  • How can people detach from work and still support themselves?
  • Is there any danger in giving up everything all at once?
  • How can I more clearly understand the concept of the word “illusion”?
  • If you have a child and you need to care for that child, can you come to a completely detached state and still raise that child?

Audio length: One hour, 14 minutes  Spoken on August 6, 1988

This talk is also included in The Radical Path Series and is a part of The Radical Path Home to God book.

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